Whee, it’s time for Advent of Code again! 37/24 for Day 1. We’ll see how often I’ll be able to leaderboard this year.
# p ARGF.read.split("\n\n").map { _1.each_line.map(&:to_i).sum }.max
p ARGF.read.split("\n\n").map { _1.each_line.map(&:to_i).sum }.sort[-3..-1].sum
I always find the code for my leaderboarding attempts (especially the successful ones) to be an interesting look into both my initial instincts for breaking down a problem, as well as which parts of Ruby I use to solve it.
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
3 00:04:06 290 0 00:06:07 158 0
priorities = ((?a..?z).to_a + (?A..?Z).to_a).map.with_index { [_1, _2+1] }.to_h
# part 1
# p ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map {|line|
# len = line.length
# a = line[0...len/2]
# b = line[len/2..]
# priorities.fetch((a.chars & b.chars)[0])
# }.sum
p ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).each_slice(3).map {|chunk|
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
4 00:03:18 452 0 00:03:37 147 0
p ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true)
.map { _1.split(?,) }
.map {|x| x.map { _1.split(?-).map(&:to_i) }}
.map {|(a,b),(x,y)| [(a..b), (x..y)] }
# .count {|a,b| (a.cover?(b.begin) && a.cover?(b.end)) || (b.cover?(a.begin) && b.cover?(a.end)) }
.count {|a,b| (a.cover?(b.begin) || a.cover?(b.end)) || (b.cover?(a.begin) || b.cover?(a.end)) }
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
5 00:07:57 216 0 00:09:52 230 0
setup, moves = ARGF.read.split("\n\n")
setup = setup
.lines(chomp: true)
.map {|col| col.select { _1 =~ /[A-Z]/ }}
moves = moves.scan(/move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)/).map { _1.map(&:to_i) }
moves.each do |n,from,to|
# n.times {
# setup[to-1].unshift(setup[from-1].shift)
# }
p setup.map(&:first).join
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
6 00:04:58 1987 0 00:05:25 1413 0
# p ARGF.read.chars.each_cons(4).with_index.find {|a,i| a.uniq.size == 4 }.last + 4
p ARGF.read.chars.each_cons(14).with_index.find {|a,i| a.uniq.size == 14 }.last + 14
Having fun playing with BQN for Advent of Code this year!
# •Show 4 + ⊐⟜1 ⍷⊸≡¨ <˘ 4↕ •FChars "../day_06.txt"
•Show 14 + ⊐⟜1 ⍷⊸≡¨ <˘ 14↕ •FChars "../day_06.txt"
Oof, that one was rough - my approach for part one was not usable at all for part two.
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
8 00:22:03 3656 0 00:36:40 3129 0
# grid = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map {|row| row.chars.map { [_1.to_i, false] }}
# def mark!(ary)
# max = -1
# ary.each do |tree_counted|
# if tree_counted.first > max
# max = tree_counted.first
# tree_counted[1] = true
# end
# end
# end
# grid.each { mark!(_1) }
# grid.each { mark!(_1.reverse) }
# grid.transpose.each { mark!(_1) }
# grid.transpose.each { mark!(_1.reverse) }
# p grid.sum { _1.count(&:last) }
grid = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map { _1.chars.map(&:to_i) }
def score(grid, y, x)
tree = grid[y][x]
(0...y).to_a.reverse.slice_after {|i| grid[i][x] >= tree }.first,
(y+1...grid.size).slice_after {|i| grid[i][x] >= tree }.first,
(0...x).to_a.reverse.slice_after {|i| grid[y][i] >= tree }.first,
(x+1...grid.size).slice_after {|i| grid[y][i] >= tree }.first,
p grid.flat_map.with_index {|row,y|
row.map.with_index {|tree,x|
score(grid, y, x)
Refactoring so the logic is clearer:
grid = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map { _1.chars.map(&:to_i) }
def each(grid)
return enum_for(__method__, grid) unless block_given?
transposed = grid.transpose
grid.each.with_index do |row, y|
row.each.with_index do |tree, x|
col = transposed[x]
sight_lines = [
(0...x).map { row[_1] }.reverse,
(x+1...row.size).map { row[_1] },
(0...y).map { col[_1] }.reverse,
(y+1...row.size).map { col[_1] },
yield tree, sight_lines
p each(grid).count {|tree, sight_lines|
sight_lines.any? { _1.empty? || tree > _1.max }
p each(grid).map {|tree, sight_lines|
.map {|sl| sl.slice_after { _1 >= tree }.first }
@alpha You are human after all! I think this may be the only one I've ever finished before you!
There’s a lesson here in that the refactored version, which shares logic between the solutions, is barely shorter than the two independent implementations that don’t share any logic at all. The abstraction doesn’t make the code any shorter, but it does unify the approach to solving both parts.
I don’t have a pithy lesson here or anything, but thought it was an interesting parallel to real-world development, which doesn’t often show up in my Advent of Code solutions.
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
9 00:22:45 2529 0 00:26:50 1006 0
require "set"
motions = ARGF.read.scan(/([RLUD])\s+(\d+)/).map { [_1, _2.to_i] }
class Snake
def initialize
@knots = Array.new(10) { [0, 0] }
def tail = @knots.last
def move!(dir)
delta = case dir
when ?L then [ 0, -1]
when ?U then [ 1, 0]
when ?R then [ 0, 1]
when ?D then [-1, 0]
else fail dir.inspect
@knots[0] = @knots[0].zip(delta).map { _1 + _2 }
@knots = @knots[1..].inject([@knots[0]]) {|knots, tail|
head = knots.last
delta = head.zip(tail).map { _1 - _2 }
knots << if delta.any? { _1.abs > 1 }
tail.zip(delta.map { _1.clamp(-1, 1) }).map { _1 + _2 }
snake = Snake.new
seen = Set.new
motions.each do |dir, distance|
distance.times do
seen << snake.tail
p seen.size
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
10 00:28:35 6047 0 00:36:57 3289 0
Whew, this one took me a while to just grok! Not even going to bother doing any refactoring, ugh.
instructions = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true)
adds = {}
cycle = 1
instructions.each do |instruction|
cycle += case instruction
when /noop/
when /addx (-?\d+)/
adds[cycle+1] = $1.to_i
else fail instruction
xs = (0..adds.keys.max).inject([1]) { _1 << _1.last + adds.fetch(_2, 0) }
p 20.step(by: 40, to: 220).map { [_1, xs[_1]] }.sum { _1 * _2 }
puts 6.times.map {|y|
40.times.map {|x|
cycle = 40*y + x + 1
xx = xs.fetch(cycle, xs.last)
(-1..1).cover?(x - xx) ? ?# : ?.
The most obtuse code I’ve written so far for Advent of Code, for sure. But still shockingly concise. Feel like there must be a better way to get xs
, perhaps even combining the two loops, but I don’t think I really have the brains for it right now.
@robdaemon @alpha it’s MatzLisp!
Back to a relatively decent position on the global leaderboard! Only somewhat gross code, mostly in the parsing.
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
11 00:16:07 233 0 00:20:48 167 0
Monkey = Struct.new(:id, :items, :operation, :test, :throw_to)
monkeys = ARGF.read.split("\n\n").map {|raw|
raw = raw.lines(chomp: true)
id = raw.shift.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i
starting_items = raw.shift.match(/: (.+)/)[1].split(", ").map(&:to_i)
operation_ = raw.shift.match(/: new = (.+)/)[1]
operation = ->(old) { eval(operation_) }
test = raw.shift.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i
t = raw.shift.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i
f = raw.shift.match(/\d+/)[0].to_i
throw_to = ->(n) { (n % test).zero? ? t : f }
Monkey.new(id, starting_items, operation, test, throw_to)
max_worry = monkeys.map(&:test).inject(:*)
inspections = Hash.new(0)
# 20.times do
10_000.times do
monkeys.each do |monkey|
until monkey.items.empty?
inspections[monkey.id] += 1
item = monkey.items.shift
item = monkey.operation.(item)
# item /= 3
item %= max_worry
to = monkey.throw_to.(item)
monkeys[to].items << item
p inspections.values.max(2).inject(:*)
@robdaemon I think a lot of the Ruby I write tends to be in a relatively functional style. In some ways, starting to learn an array programming language (BQN) is feeling somewhat familiar from how comfortable I am with enumerables/iterators in Ruby/Rust.
This is a little cleaner, but so much more fragile.
monkeys = ARGF.read.scan(/Monkey (\d+):
Starting items: ((?~\n))
Operation: new = ((?~\n))
Test: divisible by (\d+)
If true: throw to monkey (\d+)
If false: throw to monkey (\d+)
/m).map {|id, items, operation, test, t, f|
items.split(", ").map(&:to_i),
@alpha That is really cool. I spent 45 minutes writing a parser for this in Java... not a language built for rapid prototyping or text parsing!
Parslet is nice.
class MonkeyParser < Parslet::Parser
rule(:num) { match("[0-9]").repeat.as(:num) }
rule(:space) { match("\\s").repeat }
rule(:newline) { str("\n") }
rule(:monkey) {
space >> str("Monkey ") >> num.as(:id) >> str(":") >>
space >> str("Starting items: ") >> ( num >> ( str(", ") >> num ).repeat ).as(:items) >>
space >> str("Operation: new = ") >> (newline.absent? >> any).repeat.as(:op) >>
space >> str("Test: divisible by ") >> num.as(:test) >>
space >> str("If true: throw to monkey ") >> num.as(:true) >>
space >> str("If false: throw to monkey ") >> num.as(:false) >>
rule(:monkeys) { monkey.repeat }
class MonkeyTransform < Parslet::Transform
rule(num: simple(:x)) { x.to_i }
id: simple(:id),
items: sequence(:items),
op: simple(:op),
test: simple(:test),
true: simple(:t),
false: simple(:f),
) {
Monkey.new(id, items, op, test, t, f)
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
12 00:20:13 1031 0 00:28:51 1414 0
Finished with this code here:
height_map = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map(&:chars)
.each.with_index.with_object({}) do |(row,y),map|
row.each.with_index do |height,x|
map[[y,x]] = height
s, e = height_map.invert.values_at(?S, ?E)
height_map[s] = ?a
height_map[e] = ?z
# part one
# queue = [s]
# visited = { s => 0 }
# until visited.has_key?(e)
# current = queue.shift
# moves = visited.fetch(current)
# neighbors = [
# [-1, 0],
# [ 1, 0],
# [ 0, -1],
# [ 0, 1],
# ].map { current.zip(_1).map {|a,b| a + b } }
# .select { height_map.has_key?(_1) }
# .reject { visited.has_key?(_1) }
# .select { height_map.fetch(_1).ord - 1 <= height_map.fetch(current).ord }
# neighbors.each do |y,x|
# visited[[y,x]] = moves + 1
# queue << [y,x]
# end
# queue.sort_by { visited.fetch(_1) }
# end
# p visited.fetch(e)
# part two
queue = [e]
visited = { e => 0 }
loop do
current = queue.shift
moves = visited.fetch(current)
neighbors = [
[-1, 0],
[ 1, 0],
[ 0, -1],
[ 0, 1],
].map { current.zip(_1).map {|a,b| a + b } }
.select { height_map.has_key?(_1) }
.reject { visited.has_key?(_1) }
.select { height_map.fetch(current).ord <= height_map.fetch(_1).ord + 1 }
if a = neighbors.find { height_map.fetch(_1) == ?a }
p moves + 1
neighbors.each do |y,x|
visited[[y,x]] = moves + 1
queue << [y,x]
queue.sort_by { visited.fetch(_1) }
Refactored to be nicer and smarter:
class HeightMap
NEIGHBORS = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
def initialize(heights)
@heights = heights
def shortest(from:, to:, &cond)
frontier = [from]
visited = { from => 0 }
until frontier.empty? || to.any? { visited.has_key?(_1) }
current = frontier.shift
NEIGHBORS.each do |delta|
candidate = current.zip(delta).map { _1 + _2 }
next if visited.has_key?(candidate)
next unless cand_height = @heights[candidate]
next unless cond.(@heights.fetch(current), cand_height)
visited[candidate] = visited.fetch(current) + 1
frontier << candidate
frontier.sort_by { visited.fetch(_1) }
visited.find {|k,v| to.include?(k) }.last
heights = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map(&:chars)
.flat_map.with_index {|row,y|
row.map.with_index {|height,x| [[y, x], height] }
s, e = heights.invert.values_at(?S, ?E)
heights[s] = ?a
heights[e] = ?z
hm = HeightMap.new(heights)
# part one
p hm.shortest(from: s, to: [e]) { _1.ord + 1 >= _2.ord }
# part two
as = heights.select { _2 == ?a }.map(&:first)
p hm.shortest(from: e, to: as) { _1.ord - 1 <= _2.ord }
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
13 00:21:02 1075 0 00:23:47 706 0
This one was an exercise in reading comprehension, oof.
def compare(left, right)
case [left, right]
in [left, nil]
in [Integer, Integer]
left <=> right
in [Array, Array]
left.zip(right).each do |left, right|
case compare(left, right)
when -1 then return -1
when 0 # no-op
when 1 then return 1
(left.size == right.size) ? 0 : -1
compare(Array(left), Array(right))
# part one
# pairs = ARGF.read.split("\n\n")
# pairs = pairs.map {|pair| pair.lines(chomp: true).map { eval(_1) }}
# p pairs.map.with_index {|(left,right),i|
# [compare(left, right), i+1]
# }.select {|cmp,_| cmp == -1 }.sum(&:last)
# part two
pairs = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).reject(&:empty?).map { eval(_1) }
pairs << [[2]] << [[6]]
pairs = pairs.sort { compare(_1, _2) }
a = pairs.index([[2]])
b = pairs.index([[6]])
p (a+1)*(b+1)
def compare(left, right)
case [left, right]
in [left, nil]
in [Integer, Integer]
left <=> right
in [Array, Array]
left.zip(right).each do |left, right|
case compare(left, right)
when -1 then return -1
when 0 # no-op
when 1 then return 1
(left.size == right.size) ? 0 : -1
compare(Array(left), Array(right))
# part one
pairs = ARGF.read.split("\n\n")
pairs = pairs.map {|pair| pair.lines(chomp: true).map { eval(_1) }}
p pairs.map.with_index.select {|(l,r),_| compare(l, r) == -1 }.map { _1.last + 1 }.sum
# part two
pairs = pairs.flatten(1)
dividers = [[[2]], [[6]]]
pairs = pairs.sort { compare(_1, _2) }
p pairs.map.with_index.to_h.values_at(*dividers).map { _1 + 1 }.inject(:*)
-------Part 1-------- -------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
14 00:19:03 560 0 00:23:07 534 0
Brute force.
scan = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true)
cave = scan.each.with_object({}) {|line, cave|
line.split(" -> ")
.map { _1.split(?,).map(&:to_i) }
.each_cons(2) {|(ax,ay),(bx,by)|
Range.new(*[ax, bx].sort).each do |x|
Range.new(*[ay, by].sort).each do |y|
cave[[x, y]] = ?#
x_min, x_max = cave.keys.map(&:first).minmax
y_min, y_max = cave.keys.map(&:last).minmax
inspect_cave = -> {
puts (0..y_max+1).map {|y|
(x_min-1..x_max+1).map {|x|
cave[[x, y]] || ?.
# part one
# sands = 0
# loop do
# inspect_cave.()
# sands += 1
# pos = [500, 0]
# while next_pos = [0, -1, 1].map {|dx| pos.zip([dx, 1]).map { _1 + _2 }}.find { cave[_1].nil? }
# pos = next_pos
# break if pos[1] >= y_max
# end
# break if pos[1] >= y_max
# cave[pos] = ?o
# end
# inspect_cave.()
# p sands-1
# part two
cave.default_proc = ->(h,(x,y)) { h[[x, y]] = y == y_max + 2 ? ?# : nil }
sands = 0
loop do
# inspect_cave.()
sands += 1
pos = [500, 0]
while next_pos = [0, -1, 1].map {|dx| pos.zip([dx, 1]).map { _1 + _2 }}.find { cave[_1].nil? }
pos = next_pos
break if pos == [500, 0]
cave[pos] = ?o
# inspect_cave.()
p sands
I think this must be the least nice code I’ve written so far for Advent of Code.
@alpha It's not so bad - it looks pretty similar to my solution.
Couldn’t help myself and refactored it a bit:
scan = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true)
cave = scan.each.with_object({}) {|line, cave|
line.split(" -> ")
.map { _1.split(?,).map(&:to_i) }
.each_cons(2) {|(ax,ay),(bx,by)|
Range.new(*[ax, bx].sort).each do |x|
Range.new(*[ay, by].sort).each do |y|
cave[[x, y]] = ?#
def cave.to_s
x_min, x_max = keys.map(&:first).minmax
y_min, y_max = keys.map(&:last).minmax
(0..y_max+1).map {|y|
(x_min-1..x_max+1).map {|x|
self.fetch([x, y], ?.)
def pour_sand(cave, stop:)
return enum_for(__method__, cave, stop:) unless block_given?
loop do
# puts cave
pos = [500, 0]
while next_pos = [0, -1, 1].map {|dx| pos.zip([dx, 1]).map { _1 + _2 }}.find { cave[_1].nil? }
pos = next_pos
break if stop.(*pos)
break if stop.(*pos)
cave[pos] = ?o
yield pos
y_max = cave.keys.map(&:last).max
# part one
p pour_sand(cave, stop: ->(_, y) { y >= y_max }).count
# part two
cave.delete_if { _2 == ?o } # reset cave
cave.default_proc = ->(_,(_,y)) { y == y_max + 2 ? ?# : nil }
p pour_sand(cave, stop: ->(x, y) { [x, y] == [500, 0] }).count + 1
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
15 00:42:00 2529 0 10:12:53 12339 0
A tough part two - called time on it last night and left an inefficient algorithm run overnight. Came back in the morning and it was only 25% of the way through, but thought of another optimization tweak (jumping to the end of a no-beacon range when the cursor’s x position is farther than the sensor’s x position) that allowed it to finish in just a few minutes.
require "set"
sensors_and_beacons = ARGF.read
.scan(/Sensor at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+): closest beacon is at x=(-?\d+), y=(-?\d+)/)
.map { _1.map(&:to_i) }
# part one
row = 2_000_000
# row = 10
no_beacons = []
sensors_and_beacons.each_slice(2) do |sensor, beacon|
dist = sensor.zip(beacon).sum { (_1 - _2).abs }
dy = (row - sensor[1]).abs
next if dy > dist
dx = dist - dy
x_min, x_max = [sensor[0]-dx, sensor[0]+dx].sort
no_beacons << (x_min..x_max)
# remove covered ranges
no_beacons = no_beacons.reject {|x| (no_beacons - [x]).any? { _1.cover?(x) }}
# merge ranges
no_beacons = no_beacons.inject([no_beacons.shift]) {|no_beacons, range|
next no_beacons if no_beacons.any? { _1.cover?(range) }
if overlap = no_beacons.find { _1.cover?(range.begin) }
range = (overlap.end + 1..range.end)
if overlap = no_beacons.find { _1.cover?(range.end) }
range = (range.begin..overlap.begin-1)
no_beacons << range
p no_beacons.sum(&:size) - sensors_and_beacons.to_a.select { _2 == row }.uniq.size
# part two
find_sab = ->(x, y) {
sensors_and_beacons.each_slice(2).find {|sensor, beacon|
dist = sensor.zip(beacon).sum { (_1 - _2).abs }
dist >= sensor.zip([x, y]).sum { (_1 - _2).abs }
max = 4_000_000
# max = 20
x = 0
y = 0
loop do
p y if (y % 10_000).zero?
sensor, _ = find_sab.(x, y)
dx = sensor[0] - x
if dx >= max / 2
dy = sensor[1] - y
y += dy.positive? ? 2 * dy + 1 : 1
loop do
sensor, beacon = find_sab.(x, y)
if sensor.nil?
p 4_000_000 * x + y
dist = sensor.zip(beacon).sum { (_1 - _2).abs }
dy = (sensor[1] - y).abs
dx = (dist - dy).abs
x = sensor[0] + dx + 1
if x > max
x = 0
y += 1
break if y > max
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
18 00:02:28 46 55 01:00:30 2053 0
What a wild swing between part one and part two. I thought my initial approach was inherently wrong on part two, and worked on a few other ideas for a long time before realizing I just needed a .uniq
to make it performant.
cubes = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map { _1.split(?,).map(&:to_i) }
# part one
# p cubes.sum {|cube|
# 6 - cubes.count {|other|
# cube.zip(other).map { _1 - _2 }.map(&:abs).sum == 1
# }
# }
deltas = [
[-1, 0, 0],
[ 1, 0, 0],
[ 0, -1, 0],
[ 0, 1, 0],
[ 0, 0, -1],
[ 0, 0, 1],
bounds = cubes.transpose.map(&:minmax).map {|(min, max)| (min-1..max+1) }
cubes = cubes.to_h { [_1, true] }
corners = [
[bounds[0].begin, bounds[1].begin, bounds[2].begin],
[bounds[0].begin, bounds[1].begin, bounds[2].end],
[bounds[0].begin, bounds[1].end, bounds[2].begin],
[bounds[0].begin, bounds[1].end, bounds[2].end],
[bounds[0].end, bounds[1].begin, bounds[2].begin],
[bounds[0].end, bounds[1].begin, bounds[2].end],
[bounds[0].end, bounds[1].end, bounds[2].begin],
[bounds[0].end, bounds[1].end, bounds[2].end],
frontier = [corners[0]]
seen = Hash.new
until frontier.empty?
current = frontier.shift
neighbors = deltas.map {|delta| current.zip(delta).map { _1 + _2 }}
.select {|neighbor| bounds.zip(neighbor).all? {|(bound, i)| bound.cover?(i) }}
seen[current] = neighbors.any? { cubes.has_key?(_1) }
frontier.concat(neighbors.reject {|neighbor| seen.has_key?(neighbor) || cubes.has_key?(neighbor) })
p cubes.keys.sum {|cube|
neighbors = deltas.map {|delta| cube.zip(delta).map { _1 + _2 }}
neighbors.count { seen.has_key?(_1) }
@alpha Wow you crushed me on part 1, but I guess I beat you on part 2... I really enjoy seeing your solutions!
@BrianZiman Thanks! That’s what I’m hoping when I post them, but I don’t know how many people actually read them!
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
20 00:37:21 845 0 00:38:37 557 0
This one was kind of annoying. Easy algorithm, took almost half an hour to realize that the real data had duplicates numbers in it, when the sample data did not. Ugh.
list = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).map(&:to_i)
list = list.map { _1 * 811589153 }
list = list.map.with_index { [_2, _1] }
10.times do
(0...list.size).each do |i|
j = list.index {|ii,_| ii == i }
_, n = list.delete_at(j)
j += n
j %= list.size
list.insert(j, [i, n])
list = list.map(&:last)
i = list.index(0)
p [1000, 2000, 3000].sum { list.fetch((i + _1) % list.size) }
@alpha At least one!
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
21 00:01:55 7 94 00:39:34 989 0
Hilarious leaderboard rank for part one due to metaprogramming shenanigans. :3
Kind of gross implementation for part two though, I think.
monkeys = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).to_h {|line| line.split(": ") }
# part one
# monkeys.each do |name, body|
# define_method(name) do
# eval(body)
# end
# end
# p root
# part two
sub_monkeys = monkeys.delete("root").split(" + ")
monkeys.each do |name, body|
define_method(name) do
target, unknown = sub_monkeys.partition { eval(_1) rescue nil}.map(&:first)
target = eval(target)
monkeys = monkeys.to_h {|monkey, job|
a, op, b = job.split(" ")
[monkey, { op:, a:, b: }]
monkeys["humn"] = { op: :humn }
def apply(monkeys, monkey)
job = monkeys.fetch(monkey)
case op = job.fetch(:op)
when nil
when :humn
a = apply(monkeys, job.fetch(:a))
b = apply(monkeys, job.fetch(:b))
if a.is_a?(Integer) && b.is_a?(Integer)
eval([a, op, b].join(" "))
[job.fetch(:op), a, b]
tree = apply(monkeys, unknown)
def reverse(target, tree)
loop do
case tree
in :humn
return target
in [op, Integer, b]
a = tree.fetch(1)
case op
when ?* then target /= a
when ?+ then target -= a
when ?- then target = a - target
else fail tree.inspect
tree = b
in [op, a, Integer]
b = tree.fetch(2)
case op
when ?- then target += b
when ?/ then target *= b
when ?* then target /= b
when ?+ then target -= b
else fail tree.inspect
tree = a
fail tree.inspect
p reverse(target, tree)
@alpha I had a really elegant solution for part 2, with a typo in it, so when it didn't work, I assumed my approach was wrong, and simply evaluated the tree by hand with a calculator. Then I went back and fixed my typo. 🤦♂️
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
23 00:36:25 623 0 00:38:28 525 0
grove = {}
ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).each.with_index do |row, y|
row.chars.each.with_index do |c, x|
grove[[y,x]] = c == ?#
dirs = [
[[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1]],
[[ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1]],
[[-1, -1], [ 0, -1], [ 1, -1]],
[[-1, 1], [ 0, 1], [ 1, 1]],
(1..).each do |i|
proposals = grove.select { _2 }
.to_h {|(y,x),_|
to = if dirs.flatten(1).none? {|dy,dx| grove[[y+dy, x+dx]] }
[y, x]
elsif dir = dirs.find {|adj| adj.none? {|dy,dx| grove[[y+dy, x+dx]] }}
dy, dx = dir[1]
[y+dy, x+dx]
[y, x]
[[y,x], to]
proposals.each.with_object(Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = []}) {|(from, to), conflicts|
conflicts[to] << from
}.select { _2.size > 1 }.values.flatten(1).each do |elf|
proposals[elf] = elf
if proposals.all? { _1 == _2 }
puts i
proposals.each do |from, to|
grove[from] = false
grove[to] = true
# y = grove.select { _2 }.keys.map(&:first).minmax
# x = grove.select { _2 }.keys.map(&:last).minmax
# p Range.new(*y).sum {|y| Range.new(*x).count {|x| !grove[[y,x]] }}
Probably should’ve just turned to Z3 immediately for part two. This only took 5-10 minutes just now, so likely would’ve cut my time in half, at least.
require "z3"
monkeys = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true).to_h {|line| line.split(": ") }
sub_monkeys = monkeys.delete("root").split(" + ")
solver = Z3::Solver.new
solver.assert Z3.Int(sub_monkeys[0]) == Z3.Int(sub_monkeys[1])
monkeys.each do |name, job|
a, op, b = job.split(" ")
if op.nil?
solver.assert Z3.Int(name) == a.to_i
a = a =~ /^\d+$/ ? a.to_i : Z3.Int(a)
b = b =~ /^\d+$/ ? b.to_i : Z3.Int(b)
solver.assert Z3.Int(name) == a.send(op, b)
fail unless solver.satisfiable?
p solver.model[Z3.Int("humn")]
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
25 00:28:10 1214 0 - - -
This is my “fuck it, use a solver” technique because I didn’t want to think hard and logically figure out the algorithm.
places = (0..).lazy.map { 5 ** _1 }
digits = { ?- => -1, ?= => -2 }
sum = ARGF.read.lines(chomp: true)
.map {|snafu|
.map { digits.fetch(_1, _1.to_i) }
.map { _1 * _2 }
n_places = places.slice_after { 2*_1 >= sum }.take(1).to_a.flatten.reverse
require "z3"
solver = Z3::Solver.new
n_places.each do |place|
solver.assert Z3.Int(place.to_s) <= 2
solver.assert Z3.Int(place.to_s) >= -2
solver.assert n_places.map { _1 * Z3.Int(_1.to_s) }.sum == sum
fail unless solver.satisfiable?
p n_places
.map { solver.model[Z3.Int(_1.to_s)].to_i }
.map { digits.invert.fetch(_1, _1) }
Probably my worst Advent of Code showing so far, but mostly since I was time-boxing my attempts. Looking at the stats, I spent roughly 30 minutes on average, so that’s not too much time invested. Seems unlikely that I’ll come back and noodle on the ones I gave up on, but who knows.
As usual, written in pretty terse Ruby (unintentionally, no solutions over 100 lines of code), and I mostly avoided doing a ton of refactoring except for some of the earlier days when I wound up with extra time. (Regardless, all original solutions are in git history.)
-------Part 1-------- --------Part 2--------
Day Time Rank Score Time Rank Score
25 00:28:10 1214 0 - - -
23 00:36:25 623 0 00:38:28 525 0
21 00:01:55 7 94 00:39:34 989 0
20 00:37:21 845 0 00:38:37 557 0
18 00:02:28 46 55 01:00:30 2053 0
17 00:42:46 636 0 - - -
15 00:42:00 2529 0 10:12:53 12339 0
14 00:19:03 560 0 00:23:07 534 0
13 00:21:02 1075 0 00:23:47 706 0
12 00:20:13 1031 0 00:28:51 1414 0
11 00:16:07 233 0 00:20:48 167 0
10 00:28:35 6047 0 00:36:57 3289 0
9 00:22:45 2529 0 00:26:50 1006 0
8 00:22:03 3656 0 00:36:40 3129 0
7 00:21:41 959 0 00:27:39 984 0
6 00:04:58 1987 0 00:05:25 1413 0
5 00:07:57 216 0 00:09:52 230 0
4 00:03:18 452 0 00:03:37 147 0
3 00:04:06 290 0 00:06:07 158 0
2 00:11:40 3887 0 00:14:04 2142 0
1 00:00:57 37 64 00:01:29 24 77
@BrianZiman Didn’t feel like thinking about how to do the 2nd part efficiently!